Insurance & Reinsurance

We also rep­re­sents in­su­r­ance and rein­su­r­ance com­pa­nies, in­su­r­ance pools and in­su­r­ance bro­k­ers in­volved in ar­eas such as per­so­n­al ac­ci­dents, life, med­i­cal, mo­tor, car­go, prop­er­ty and trav­el in­su­r­ance. We are com­mitt­ed to the com­pliance of our clients.

Our Address

Yemen - Sana'a
Al-Saeed Trading Center,
Floor No. 8,
PO Box: 884
Tel: +967-1-202918
Fax: +967-1-212193
Aden Branch: Main Street, Al-Mualla District - Al-Mualla Plaza, First Floor
Tel: +967-2-245602
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